Who are Family Scientists? See how Family Science scholars and professionals improve the ways we understand and work with families, so that families can strengthen their relationships and function at their best. Read all stories →
I’m empowering families with young children to reach their fullest potential.
In my work providing pregnancy and childbirth classes, postpartum doula support, and coaching for families with children prenatal to preteen, my goal is to empower families to make informed decisions. Learn more →
I’m helping people navigate their relationships with food and family.
I’m proud to provide reliable, research-based information to participants in food and nutrition programs, supporting them in making profound changes in their lives and the lives of their families. Learn more →
I’m working with incarcerated fathers to create and repair family relationships.
I created a parenting class for local prison inmates who are fathers, equipping them with resources to become better fathers and to create and repair relationships with their children and partners. Learn more →
“The pressures that come with immense social change are affecting families significantly. We need to understand the impact and address the potential consequences to help families adapt and thrive.”
A Greater ROI
Federal and state governments in the U.S. spend just $1 to promote healthy marriages for every $1,000 spent on the costs of family disintegration and fragmentation. But studies show (PDF) that investing in prevention and other evidence-based practices found in Family Science can yield savings of more than 5 to 1.
“Family Science researchers and practitioners play
such an important role in advocating for families
and for policies that meaningfully support
families’ health and well-being.”
Society Benefits
Family issues like divorce and crime can be costly, both emotionally and financially. But Family Science's preventive approach benefits families and society. For example, a recent study found (PDF) a return on investment of $9.60 for every dollar spent on a preventive family skills training, with a net benefit to society of $5,923 per family.